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When a significant event occurs in a person or family’s life, this is usually the onset of some major changes to that life. This is normal, life is a constant progression and as new elements enter, or old ones leave, adjustments have to be made to accommodate a new normal. However, when the change is big, the adjustments required are often going to need more than just a slight change in the daily routine.
Some changes, such as the birth of a child, for example, will result in changes so profound that an entirely new phase of life has begun. What was once a couple is now a family, with that child comes a whole new range of time and financial demands. From obviously economic changes, such as buying food for one more mouth in the home to long term considerations, such as saving up for college, or purchasing a new vehicle to accommodate more than two passengers, life isn’t going to be the same. Many purchases and investments will have to be made to accommodate this. For many businesses, these events present new opportunities, and Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing can help with this.
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing & Its Origin
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing is, with great pride, a completely American-owned and operated business. It got its start when a disabled veteran, after defending the country, decided to help the country’s economy by providing a different kind of aid to the business community. The business began in the hometown of Las Vegas, Nevada, helping the companies there to reach out to the massive base of general consumers that came to the area, as well as lived and worked there. Early, regular success led to steady growth, and now the company has a staff with a combined total of over 50 years of experience in the marketing industry.
Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing began operations in the years prior to major adoption of digital distribution and technology. Because of its start in the traditional media era, in direct mail, the company had the good fortune to hone skills in a critical area, gathering names and contact details, and mining them for more demographic data and other essential characteristics. This would have a major effect, going forward on helping companies with targeted marketing strategies.
Because of their core focus, the company grew in both scope of services, and scale of operations. Direct mail was a foundation service, and one that is still offered today, but it also made for a smooth, successful transition into digital marketing services. From serving just the Las Vegas, Nevada area, the company expanded to encompass the whole continental USA, then finally Hawaii and Alaska as well. It reached out to the rest of North America and covered Mexico and Canada. Now it is also available in international destinations, crossing the Atlantic and offering lists for countries like France.

Everyone Has A Different Situation
Different milestones or events will bring change, but the changes themselves depend entirely on the circumstance and the people involved. A death in the family, for example, is going to have very different ramifications from a wedding. And a woman finding out she’s pregnant creates an entirely different set of circumstances from a family that has its last child graduating high school and moving out of the house to go to college in another state.
The only sure thing is that changes or events will call for changes in lifestyle. That change in lifestyle will signal a change in behavior that typically has large scale financial ramifications. Children old enough to live on their own as they graduate, for example, could result in the parents thinking more seriously about retirement, and downsizing, moving out of a larger three-bedroom home to something smaller that will accommodate elderly needs, such as a bungalow home with no stairs. Announcing an engagement means that now a couple is about to become a legally married family unit and will have to start thinking about pooling finances and buying a home together. Even a child growing old enough to drive may result in research in car purchases and buying a new phone for that child.
The Challenges Of Change
While these life events can trigger some significant changes that present business opportunities, it can be tough to find and approach people during these periods. Timing, after all, is everything, and if businesses don’t manage to reach these people when these life events trigger, then they will either seek out their own solutions, or others may manage to make contact. The question then becomes, how do businesses manage to reach out to people during these life event triggers while they still have something relevant to offer?
For an individual company, without the tools, experience, or resources to do this, a lot of effort and guesswork is involved. One solution is to go for the traditional, mass-market, such as radio or television advertising. Here, the idea is to expose as many people as possible to your marketing or promotion efforts in the hopes that the law of averages plays out. Some of them will have the circumstances that a product or service addresses. However, there is a more precise way to target specific demographics, and this is where Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing comes in.
We Can Help
Our vast databases are full of customer information that falls across a variety of different demographics and buying characteristics. All of our data is legally acquired, through methods such as surveys filled, consent is given when subscribing to newsletters, or creating accounts, and even details volunteered by filling out contest or sweepstakes entries.
For our clients, this means that we can present lists that meet precise marketing and promotion needs. Whether you have an interest strictly in newlyweds or soon to be married, or you’re interested in people that have just started a new family or have recently retired, we have the lists. Just contact Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing, and we can give you specific demographic characteristics you want. That way, when you approach them your marketing or promotional material, there’s a much higher level of engagement, response, and sales.